Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bon Voyage!

Hi PAs! I know a lot of us have graduated and some are staying so I just wanted to say congratulations and thank you for being such great people to work with. I had a lot of fun and I'm off to spread the joy of studying abroad.

Some of you may have heard that I am going back to Japan to do JET and yes, it's true. I am leaving in about a week so I just wanted to let you all know in case you want to catch up but can't find me in the U.S. :) Feel free to keep track of my facebook for pictures or snippets of my life there.

Take care everyone and thank you so much again!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

blog for students interested in studying abroad, with questions and stories

Hi all~

I know we all use this blog to talk with each other about stuff, but I had an idea: what if we start a blog for the students who are interested in studying abroad, a means of putting our stories of adventure out there, maybe with a picture or two. Sort of like advising, but online. We could talk about aspect of our programs, or stories of our travels, and I thought it'd be a good way for us to share stories not only with potential EAP-ers, but also with each other, since we only see each other maybe an average of twice a week.

For example.



This past winter, I traveled with a friend of mine to Yunnan, in the western part of China, blah blah blah story, blah blah some history, blah blah hiking, blah blah suggestions of where to stay, what to do blah blah.

[sample picture] [sample picture]



Some cool places to go
-Clubbing: MUSE, Park 97, Richie's, Bling, I LOVE SHANGHAI, Guandi, blah blah blah more clubs
-Museums: Shanghai Art Museum; Science and Technology Museum; Urban Planning Museum, blah blah more museums
-Places to eat: Muslim noodles, Gil Wonton, street food, City Diner, blah blah blah
-Cultural Landmarks, Best Places to Go Shopping
--etc., etc., etc., blah blah


Handy tips for getting around in Shanghai
-Subway system just added three more lines, two of which are very close to the university
-Buy a bike
-Taxi into the city
-"rickshaw" around the university area (not actually a real rickshaw, but is a two-seater attached to a motorbike, cheaper than a taxi)


Classes I've taken at Fudan, Great Places to Travel in China, etc. etc. etc.


What do you think? A viable idea? Lemme know!


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Brainstorming for CalDay & Reciprocity BBQ

Come share your ideas tonight at Raleigh's! We will be discussing CalDay and BBQ event planning. If you are tabling from 2-3 on CalDay contact Michele for information and planning for the presentation. If you want to just help out feel free to let us know!

Place: Raleigh's (
2438 Telegraph Ave)
Time: 7-9 PM about

Hope to see some of you there tonight!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

some things

1) i decided not to post the contact list online because i didn't think people wanted their phone numbers on the internet for everyone to see.

2) anthony created a listserv at, which is much easier than copying and pasting. although hopefully people start using this blog too, to keep the inbox clutter out!

3) my schedule is really crazy next week before spring break (3 midterms!) but i can participate in blog/internet spirit. :) i guess some things we can keep in mind are the logistics behind starting a decal and starting to draft a proposal (a very rough draft).


Sorry, i forgot to indicate that the prior post was for ppl working on the de-cal for reciprocity students next fall.

yay de-cal!!

Hello yall, when should we meet next week? during a tabling hour? get lunch/dinner together?

Spring 2008 EAP Tabling Schedule

Spring 2008 EAP Tabling Schedule







Bernadette, Priscilla

Mathias, Sophia

Kathryn, Priscilla

Mathias, Maggie

Sophia, Kathryn




Maggie, Mathias

Alyssa, Mara

Anthony R., Monica


Alyssa, Mara

Kathryn, Monica





Claudia, Sophia

Monica, Anthony

Bernadette, Maggie

Anthony R., Mara